Areas temáticas:

“arts-based research” and literature


  • Media representations of mental health and art initiatives
  • People, places and prosperity: using participant photography to investigate the role of social context in life after cancer treatment
  • Giving children a voice through art: to understand and educate about the impact of juvenile idiopathic arthritis by creating art and telling digital stories
  • Documental ‘desahucios y salud’, un ejemplo de difusión de resultados cualitativos en salud pública a través del formato audiovisual.
  • Enfermedades medíaticas y periféricas: estrategias artísticas ante los procesos de significación
  • Client caregiver narratives through collage as story-telling
  • Diálogos con y desde la enfermedad. producción artística con pacientes de hepatitis c
  • Experiencias hospitalarias del paciente. exteriorización de lo oculto
  • Doble retorno. arte y enfermedad en diálogo. producción artística con pacientes de enfermedades inflamatorias autoinmunes
  • Animando el relato de un paciente de crohn. capacidades dentro de las restricciones
  • La montaña mágica: relatos artísticos a partir de la residencia en el hospital marina salud de dénia
  • Empatía y relaciones. dialogando con pacientes para la realización de trabajos artísticos que reflejen nuevos aspectos de su enfermedad
  • El daño está hecho: investigación cualitativa sobre el impacto en salud de la exclusión sanitaria en la población inmigrante.



  • Casuistry in cardiological contexts:  a case study of epistemic scalability



  • Diretiva antecipada de vontade como uma narrativa de fim de vida, o resgate da autonomia (ou da relação médico paciente?)


Chronic illnesses

  • The temporal dimension of the narratives of the chronically ill:  disruption(s), reconstruction(s) and continuity
  • Understanding knee ostheoarthritis from the patients’ perspective: a qualitative study of living experiences
  • La perspectiva de los pacientes con padecimiento crónico
  • To tell or not to tell about one’s diabetes at the work place
  • An innovative care intervention through narrative medicine  for general practitioners and patients with type 2 diabetes
  • When there is no restitution: the sisyphean narrative
  • Experiences of patients living after stroke: a qualitative study – from illness narratives to icf categories
  • “this illness diminishes me. what it does is like theft”: a qualitative synthesis of people’s experiences of living with asthma
  • “i like to know and make my own choices”. personal experiences of severe asthma: a review
  • Creating memories: parental accounts of living with muscular dystrophy
  • Living with leprosy: materiality, transformation, and interdependency in evelyn leandro’s abandoned – or the struggle with a long-forgotten illness
  • A visual narrative of chaos and quest: patricia lay-dorsey’s falling into place
  • Benefit finding and professional identity: an analysis of narratives of healthcare professionals suffering from chronic pain


Clinical practice and medical records

  • Patient narratives within the models of child health appraised (mocha) projec
  • Trabajando juntos en la mejora de la cooperación entre servicios para promoción del envejecimiento activo
  • Integrating medical records with narrative based medicine in rare and chronic diseases: conclusive remarks from the project
  • La “historia clínica”: entre la verdad factual, la verdad narrativa y los valores


Health narratives and literature

  • Staging mental illness in contemporary british neuroscience plays
  • Love and trauma in zabuzhko’s novel “fieldwork in the ukrainian sex”
  • Depressive position, gratitude and psychoanalytic attitude in a henry miller’s “big sur and the oranges of hieronymus bosch”


Health narratives and subjectivity

  • The choice of a healthy body
  • La importancia epistemológica de las narrativas en psiquiatría
  • In between desperation and hope – the stories of families coping with brain injury
  • Comunicarse sin palabras
  • Negotiating the pathway of recovery; stories by rehabilitated fistula survivors
  • “it’s a revelation” hippotherapy and the art of healing
  • Tell me through music:  transforming power of music to overcome physical or emotional loss: individual digital stories
  • Dutch end-of-life decisions for children: quality of living and dying.
  • Can perceived food intolerance be a manifestation of depression? A case study?
  • Salir de las consultas: propuestas para el abordaje de la promoción de la salud en atención primaria según ciudadanos, informantes clave comunitarios y profesionales de la salud
  • Experiencias de pacientes y usuarios: contribución de la práctica basada en narrativas a la práctica basada en evidencia.
  • La empatía en la narrativa como herramienta de cambio en pacientes con síndrome de fibromialgia
  • El valor de la subjetividad. narrativas y discursos entre profesionales de la salud.
  • Deconstructing and reconstructing disease: the commercialization of breast cancer
  • Narrating the potential for agency, resilience and identity construction in alzheimer’s experiences»
  • O retorno da viagem (in) finita
  • Fragile lines in care – humour in a foster home for the elderly
  • Salud, promoción de la salud, activos y déficits en salud según ciudadanos, informantes clave comunitarios y profesionales de atención primaria
  • The experiences of two brazilian families with the birth of premature extrmely low-birth-weight infants up to five years of age: the use of narratives
  • “health experience research” in japan: an overview
  • Encouraging corporeal narrative through attentive touch
  • Narrative of suffering and redemption
  • Narrating negotiations: on using narrative phenomenology to conduct ethnographic research on early intervention
  • Preserving a masculine self in face of illness and disability:  the case of older sabra men



  • The «narrative turn» and narrative inquiry in art therapy


Rare diseases

  • When experiences of ill-health do not match expectation: ‘carrying’ alport syndrome
  • Parents’ narratives on diagnostic delay in rare disease
  • How did personal and community narratives fuel the spread of the ebola outbreak in west africa?


Social media and use of the internet

  • Escuela de pacientes, hacia una narrativa transmedia
  • Situating stigma in the uk and usa: ‘mental health’ language in news and special interest social media


Use of narrative in teaching health sciences

  • El análisis de las narrativas sobre trastornos y enfermedades crónicas en la formación como antropólogo/a experiencias reflexivas en la asignatura de antropología de la salud del grado de antropología social
  • Literatura e medicina: uma experiência de ensino


  • Todo aluno tem uma história para contar: narrativas pessoais de estudantes de medicina durante a disciplina de humanidades médicas
  • In defense of the narrative anecdote?
  • Using atypical illness literary accounts in order to enhance the medical students’ critical thinking about illness